SQLWord release 11.0.6 available (may 2022)

  • Enhancement: Microsoft Windows 11 supported.
  • Bug Fix: On Oracle databases 21c you get errors:
    – A TLOBLocator instance requires OCI8 mode, but OCI7 mode is used.
    – PLS-00201: Identifier ‘ DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT’ must be declared.

For upgrading from SQLWord release 11.0.5 replace the SQLWord package by
running scripts sqlword.ps and sqlword.pb.
On Oracle 21c package DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT is deprecated so
now SQLWord uses instead Oracle package DBMS_CRYPTO.DECRYPT.
You need to grant execute on sys.dbms_crypto to the Oracle user that owns
SQLWord tables and packages (run sys_grants.sql).

SQLWord release 11.0.5 available (feb 2021)

  • Enhancement: Microsoft Office 2019 supported.
  • Enhancement: Apex 19 demo application shipped.
  • Enhancement: License checking on hostname removed.
  • Bug Fix: On Oracle databases 19c or higher you get error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    When using MSWord headers or footers.

For upgrading from SQLWord release 11.0.4 replace the SQLWord package by
running scripts sqlword.ps and sqlword.pb

SQLWord release available (okt 2019)

Enhancement: License checking for Oracle RAC supported.
Bug Fix: On Oracle databases 18c or higher you get error:

For upgrading from SQLWord release replace the SQLWord package by running script sqlword.pb

SQLWord release 11.0.4 available (jan 2017)

The SQLWord Development team is pleased to announce SQLWord release 11.0.4.

This release upgrades the SQLWord Apex Demo Application from Apex 4 to Apex 5. The new SQLWord Apex demo is based on the Apex 5 Universal Theme with a fresh new modern look and feel.

SQLWord Apex 5

Enhancements and bug fixes in release
Enhancement: Microsoft Office 2016 supported.
Enhancement: Microsoft Windows 10 supported.
Enhancement: Apex5.0 demo application shipped.
Enhancement: Create PDF documents implementation shipped.
Enhancement: Performance improvement by using internal arrays of clob data.
Enhancement: XML formatting supported by hint #SQLWORD_FORMAT.
Enhancement: Procedure sqlword.send_email extended with CC en BCC parameters.
Enhancement: Procedure sqlword.put_data (p_text in nclob) overloading added.
Bug Fix: Including external images caused ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error.
Bug Fix: Large clob content caused ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error.

SQLWord Apex 5 demo application based on Universal Theme available

The SQLWord Development team is pleased to announce the upgrade of the SQLWord Apex Demo Application from Apex 4 to Apex 5.
The new SQLWord Apex demo is based on the Apex 5 Universal Theme with a fresh new modern look and feel.
This demo application is already available for download and will be shipped within the new SQLWord release later this year (Q4).